Strawberry Caipiroska

If you, too, long for a cold and refreshing cocktail, this is something you can easily do at home, like this caipiroska for example... how? Follow me and we'll prepare it together!
These are the ingredients we'll need to make a fresh strawberry caipiroska:
  • • 4-5 strawberries
  • • ½ diced lime
  • • 2-3 tsp of cane sugar • 1 shot (50 ml) of dry vodka
  • • plenty of crushed ice
Let's prepare together the strawberry caipiroska:
First of all, take a pestle and a tall thick glass. Add the diced lime... the cane sugar, 2 or 3 teaspoons, it depends if you want the drink more or less sweet, and begin to pound to release the juice... and the essential oils from the zest. At this point add the strawberries... cut into cubes... and pound them too. All we have to do now is add plenty of crushed ice... and finally the dry vodka. Now mix well.
Before serving your strawberry caipiroska, garnish the glass with a lime slice and a strawberry. Add 2 straws and... enjoy your caipiroska! 
A famous refreshing cocktail: the caipiroska. In this case, it's made with dry vodka and strawberries, but you can substitute with other fruit, such as mango, banana, etc...
