Dried Fruit Cake

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The ingredients for this rich fruit cake for an 8 inch round cake tin are as follows:

350g plain flour
10g mixed spice
110g chopped almonds
6 eggs (medium)
250g soft dark brown sugar
250g butter
1kg dried mixed fruit (currants, sultanas, raisins)
50g mixed peel
125g glace cherries
1 lemon
1 orange

Mix all things in grinder like plain flour mixed spice like garam masala and add  soft dark brown sugar,butter,eggs mix all then add in a vessel this mixture and put almonds and betten with hand,mix dreied fruits,mixed peels cherries, then pore all the mix into greased tray or tin level it and put in which is to be in pre heated 150 degree oven.

If you want to make a special cake for that special occasion, such as a Birthday or Wedding, make it a few weeks in advance and add a touch more from time to time. The cake will improve even more over several weeks.
