Pineapple Cake

Pastry is the name given to various kinds of baked goods made from ingredients such as flour, butter, shortening, baking powder or eggs. This cake is flavored with sweetened pineapple pieces. fresh cream pineapple pastry ,my flavor made with sponge cake sheets


  • 2  cake sheets
  • 1 ounces cream
  • 1 tbsp pineapple essence
  • 1 cup pineapple pieces
  • as needed sugar

 • Take cream add sugar blend in blender.

• in a bowl take sugar water and add pineapple essence mix well and keep aside.

• Now take the cake sheets sprinkle sugar water, spread the blender cream evenly add some fresh pineapple pieces now another layer of cake sprinkle sugar water and spread the cream over all the cake and decorate it with cherry and pineapples
