Biscuit classic

— 1 Cup of sugar,
— 1 Cup of flour,
— 4 eggs
vanillin on a knife tip
1. Separate the whites from the yolks. Begin to whisk the egg whites on the lowest speed of the mixer. Slowly, one spoon, add sugar and add vanilla.
2. When protein weight will become white and quite dense, so the same spoon add the yolks while continuing to whisk.
3. Remove the mixer and start to sift in a bowl with a protein flour, gently spoon vymeshivaem in the direction from the bottom up.
4. The finished dough pour in greased with butter form and sent in a preheated 190-200 degree oven for 20-25 minutes.
5. The main rule for baking biscuit — do not open the oven door or it will fall off.  , take out the form and turn the cake onto a plate (bars, towel) and allow to cool.
At observance of all rules biscuit is high and very softy It can be a perfect base for cakes.