Cabbage patties

(100g — 93.00 kcal) — lose weight delicious!

Cabbage (1 kg)
onion (1 piece)
semolina (0.5 cups)
 garlic (2 cloves)
oil for frying
salt and spices
Cooking time: 30-40 min.
Method of preparation:
First, the cabbage cut into 4 pieces and boil in salted water for ten minutes. Then throws the cabbage in a colander, mince (or blender) and gently squeeze to remove the water.
Prepare the remaining ingredients for our burgers. On a fine grater natiraem onions and skip the garlic through a press, finely chop the dill. Then add in the cabbage, onion, garlic and herbs. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Add flour, semolina, stir.
Formed from this mass cutlets that you need to roll in breadcrumbs. Vegetable patties fry in vegetable oil until Golden brown.
Can be served with sour cream