Carrots 400g.
Sugar 300 gr. (150 gr. In the dough, 150 gr. In cream)
Egg 4 pcs.
2 cups flour
Starch 50g.
Cinnamon 1 tsp
Ginger powder ½ tsp
Nutmeg 2-3 pinches
Orange zest of one orange
Orange juice 50 ml.
Vegetable oil 50 ml.
Raisins 100g.
Walnuts 100 g.
3 tsp baking powder
Smetana 300-350 gr.
Thickener cream 1 tablespoon
Prepare foods, measure everything. Wash thoroughly and orange carrots. Purified carrots grate, carrots weight — about 350-370 grams. after purification. Separate the yolks from the whites. Yolks with sugar connect.
Grind them a whisk or mixer until a weight gain in volume. For carrots, add the egg yolks with the sugar, crushed nuts, raisins, flour, starch, baking powder, zest of one orange, orange fruit juice, ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg, refined oil.
Carefully spoon stir the mass to the maximum uniformity. Proteins beat with a mixer until stable peaks. Add the dough. Stir the batter well. It will be a delicate and airy.
Lubricate the form Multivarki refined oil. Pour the dough, flatten and return to multivarku 50 minutes, «Baking» mode. Ready cake cool and remove.
Sour cream, whisk thickened cream and sugar, cut the cake into two cake. One part generously lubricate the cream, cover the second part, it is also generously lubricate the cream. Decorate a cake of crushed nuts and any berries. Give in the cold soak at least 2 hours.
Carrot cake multicooker ready. Bon Appetit!