In fact, the person loses weight most easily in a dream. Conversely, the lack of night rest provokes an increased need for food. The body is trying to store the energy that is concerned about the failure of circadian rhythms in fat reserves, which will be very difficult to get rid of. Here are a few ways that will help your body adjust the metabolism in an ideal way to lose weight even in a dream.
7 Ways to Lose Weight at Night
You should not go to bed hungry. Forget all the rules about «not to eat after six in the evening.» Plan your last meal a couple of hours before you go to bed. So you leave the body time for digestion and make the metabolism work even in a dream.
You should not go to bed hungry. Forget all the rules about «not to eat after six in the evening.» Plan your last meal a couple of hours before you go to bed. So you leave the body time for digestion and make the metabolism work even in a dream.
Regular training contributes to the regulation of circadian rhythms. However, do not run to the hall for half an hour before going to bed: the excess energy after training will not let you fall asleep. Light gymnastics around nine in the evening, on the contrary, will exhaust the body to a sufficient degree and provoke the release of hormones responsible for the breakdown of subcutaneous fat.
Regular training contributes to the regulation of circadian rhythms. However, do not run to the hall for half an hour before going to bed: the excess energy after training will not let you fall asleep. Light gymnastics around nine in the evening, on the contrary, will exhaust the body to a sufficient degree and provoke the release of hormones responsible for the breakdown of subcutaneous fat.
Screen Light
Light radiation from the phone or tablet screen blocks the production of the sleep hormone, melatonin. In addition, your brain will remain agitated, processing the information received. All this leads to a slowing of metabolism and, as a consequence, to obesity. Leave your favorite smartphone away from the bed.
Light radiation from the phone or tablet screen blocks the production of the sleep hormone, melatonin. In addition, your brain will remain agitated, processing the information received. All this leads to a slowing of metabolism and, as a consequence, to obesity. Leave your favorite smartphone away from the bed.
Teach yourself to go to bed at the same time, even on weekends. The ideal sleep schedule is from 11 pm to 6 am. The habit will help the body harmoniously distribute the energy received for the day and stop storing it in fat stores «just in case».
Teach yourself to go to bed at the same time, even on weekends. The ideal sleep schedule is from 11 pm to 6 am. The habit will help the body harmoniously distribute the energy received for the day and stop storing it in fat stores «just in case».
About four hours before sleep, allow yourself a glass of red wine, no more. In this amount, the encyclactin contained in the drink provokes an additional production of the theta hormone, which is also called growth hormone. This hormone promotes the formation of muscles.
About four hours before sleep, allow yourself a glass of red wine, no more. In this amount, the encyclactin contained in the drink provokes an additional production of the theta hormone, which is also called growth hormone. This hormone promotes the formation of muscles.
Acute food significantly increases the metabolic rate.
Acute food significantly increases the metabolic rate.
Cayenne pepper and tobasco will be an excellent seasoning for dinner — most importantly, do not overdo it.
Ironically, even chocolate helps to lose weight in a dream. Just eat it with the mind: choose only dark bitter varieties with a high content of cocoa and do not be greedy
Ironically, even chocolate helps to lose weight in a dream. Just eat it with the mind: choose only dark bitter varieties with a high content of cocoa and do not be greedy
Two or three slices of bitter chocolate will increase the content of antioxidants in the body — a larger amount will already shed unnecessary kilograms of fat stock.