Cake with dried apricots open

For the dough:
700 g flour
500 ml water
1 h. L. salt
1 tbsp. l. Sahara

20 g yeast
2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
For filling:
1 kg of dried apricots selective amber
Sugar 150 g
Prepare yeast dough sponge method. Roll it into an oval cake, put on a baking sheet, flatten, prick all over with a fork the surface, so it does not swell during baking.
Put an even layer of slices of dried apricots, bend the rim, lubricate the syrup formed during cooking of dried apricots, garnish with flowers of test (also lubricate the syrup and sprinkle with poppy seeds midway).
Filling. Dried apricots wash, pour the water that it covers dried apricots, fill with sugar and cook until tender. Then discard in a sieve or colander to cool.
Cake bake at 180-200 ° C until ready (when it browns — means ready). The rim and slices of dried apricots baked cake grease with a brush syrup, which was cooked dried apricots.