Egyptian cake.


For each cake: 3 protein
2.5 tablespoons Sahara
1/2 tbsp flour
50 oz. ground nuts (walnuts or hazelnuts).
Total of three cakes, t.e.ukazannye ingredients take 3 times each, and bake the cake in a separate form.
10 egg yolks,
10 tablespoons Sahara,
5 tbsp flour
2 sachets of vanilla sugar,
350 ml. milk
170 gr. butter.
Crispy filler:
350 ml. cream
200 gr. Sahara,
120 gr. chopped walnuts or hazelnuts.
1) Cream: mix the egg yolks, sugar, flour, vanilla sugar and milk. Highly disturbing we bring the mixture almost to a boil. Before the boiling of cream remove the side and interfere with another 2 minutes. Cool. We shall cut slices of butter and add the cream, beat with a mixer until smooth.
2) While the cream freezes, zaymёmsya Korzh. Beat whites in a solid foam, add the sugar and continue to whisk, so that the foam has become glossy.
3) Add the flour and nuts, mix gently until smooth dough.
Place the dough in the laid paper or greased form. Bake in preheated oven at 170 ° C for about 20 minutes. Cool.
4) Melt the sugar in a pan, a little karameliziruem it. Immediately Spill it on the baking paper.
5) Sugar hardens quickly. Cover paper and its second rolling pin crushed into small pieces, but not in the powder, as it should create a crunchy layer.
6) Crispy filling: Beat cream in a strong spikes. Mix the cream with caramelized sugar and chopped nuts
7) For each cake spread 1/3 of the custard.
8) On top of the custard distribute crisp filler. And so we repeat 2 more times: cake, custard, crunchy filler.
9) In conclusion, coated with crispy cake around the filling. Decorate with nuts. Enjoy