Although it may look like a trendy diet with no grains, no alcohol, no milk, no sugar (and no fun), a detox is far from a quick fix for weight loss. The aim of every detox plan is to take the load off the organs that detoxify the body, the liver, kidneys and bowel. What is more, by detoxifying you support and improve the performance of these organs. To fast track your health, give your body a break, or just want to detox diet for a short time, follow this safe and do-able program.
What to do
Check your diary and mark a week where you do not have events such as weddings, birthdays or special occasion meals, as they can derail your detox. Don’t worry if you experience a ‘cleansing’ reaction in the first few days of detox. This includes headaches or loose bowel movements. You will experience this as a result of the sudden withdrawal of certain foods. These symptoms should subside in 24 to 48 hours.
Foods to avoid
- Alcohol
- Cigarettes
- Milk products (except ½ cup unsweetened yoghurt with acidophilus each day)
- Sugar, honey, maple syrup, artificial sweeteners
- Coffee
- Grains: wheat (bread, biscuits, cakes, pasta), rye, barley, oats, spelt and rice
- Dried fruit
Foods to enjoy
- Fruit: any and all fresh fruit
- Vegetables: any and all fresh vegetables
- Fish: fresh, canned in water or olive oil
- Lean red meat, chicken (without the skin). Limit to two serves per week.
- Legumes: dried or canned, such as kidney beans, chickpeas, lentils
- Eggs: preferably organic
- Olive oil (preferably extra virgin), Coconut oil (unprocessed)
- Nuts: raw unsalted almonds, walnuts, macadamias and cashews
- Seeds: raw unsalted sesame, pumpkin and sunflower seeds
- Green tea, white tea, weak black tea (decaffeinated)
- Water: from one to three litres of water per day
Detox plan
1. Morning lemon juice: This way you kick start the digestion and cleanse the system. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon in a cup of hot water. Drink first thing in the morning before breakfast on an empty stomach.
2. Exercise: During detox make an effort to exercise for at least one hour daily. And not just any exercise, but something that will make you sweat. Take up a spin class, jog along the beach, walk uphill, do hot yoga or box. Vigorous exercise increases lymph flow and circulation, this helps sweat out toxins.
3. Raw foods: Try to cut out the cooking process and eat mainly raw foods. Raw foods contain more nutrients and enzymes.
4. Detox the mind: While detoxing the body, it’s good to clear the clutter from the mind too. Try to meditate for 15 minutes per day. If you don’t know how to meditate, try belly breathing. Start by placing hands palm down on your lower belly. Breathe in through your nose, counting slowly to 3 or 4. Breathe out just as slowly, allowing the belly to drop. Do this for 15 minutes per day.
5. Drink: Drink at least two liters of fluid daily. This will move the lymph and support kidney detoxification. Choose from pure spring water, fresh vegetable juice and herbal detox teas. You can make your own brew by mixing Dandelion root and nettle, cleavers, calendula, burdock and red clover. Add one teaspoon of the dried herbs to a cup of boiling water. Leave to steep for five minutes, strain and drink.
6. Body brushing: By doing this daily, you support circulation and increase skin detoxification. Before you step into the shower, brush your skin with firm circular strokes using a loofah or natural fiber body brush. Start from the feet and hands, moving up the legs and towards the arms, avoiding the throat and face, as this area is delicate or any rash or sore spots. Then jump in the shower. Finish your shower with a one-minute burst of cold water, as this promotes blood circulation to the skin.
7. Chew: Aim to chew each mouthful of food for 10 to 12 times before swallowing. Bringing mindfulness to mealtimes improves digestion, allowing you to feel a sense of fullness without a need to overeat.
Note: Don’t detox if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, elderly, have high blood pressure, underweight or against your health practitioner’s recommendation.