0.5 liter. Milk, 1 packet of finished chocolate pudding (or 1 tbsp with a starch slice + 1 tbsp cocoa + 2 tbsp sugar), cocoa — 1 tbsp. L., Sugar 1,5 glasses, 7 eggs, 1 packet of vanilla sugar, 6-7 tablespoons. Flour, 250 gr. Butter, bitter chocolate 4 tiles (400 g), milk chocolate 1 tile (100 g), a pinch of salt, vegetable oil to lubricate the mold
Dark chocolate can be substituted for chocolate ganache or glaze.
The cake was very delicate, melting and insanely delicious.
Milk (3/4 v. Leave), boil.
What kind of milk should I choose? We’ll show you
In a separate bowl, mix 3/4 cups of milk, 3 tbsp. L. Sugar, pudding, cocoa.
The resulting mass is mixed with hot milk, put on fire, boil for a minute and cool.
For biscuit whisk the proteins to a strong foam, add a little of the remaining sugar, salt, whisk until homogeneous for another 5 minutes.
Do not stop whisking, enter one yolk one at a time. Pour the sifted flour, gently mix with a wooden spatula.
On the oiled form (I still lined the paper for baking) lay out 6-7 st. L. Dough and put in a preheated oven for 225 degrees for 5-6 minutes.
Bake 6 cakes.
For cream, whip butter for 10 minutes, add a pudding mixture and whip until smooth.
Surface 5 of the cake thickly grease the cream, cover the 6th. Put the cake in the fridge for 1 hour.
Melt the chocolate in a water bath and grease the cake from all sides, send it to the refrigerator for 20 minutes.
Melt milk chocolate and apply patterns to the cake.
Cake before serving to store in the refrigerator!