Fusion cuisine is one that combines elements of different culinary traditions. Cuisines of this type are not categorized according to any one particular cuisine style and have played a part in a number of innovations.
Fusion food is a general term for the combination of various forms of cookery and comes in several forms.
Fusion food is a general term for the combination of various forms of cookery and comes in several forms.
Prep Time : 8-10 hour
Cook time : 0-5 minutes
Serve : 4
Level Of Cooking : Easy
Taste : Sweet
Ingredients for Ice Cream Recipe
Bananas 4
Cocoa powder ¼ cup
Fresh cream 1 cup
Vanilla essence 1 teaspoon
Honey 3 tablespoons
Walnuts ¼ cup

Ice Cream Recipe Card
Fusion cuisine is one that combines elements of different culinary traditions. Cuisines of this type are not categorized according to any one particular cuisine style and have played a part in a number of innovations.
Fusion food is a general term for the combination of various forms of cookery and comes in several forms.
Fusion food is a general term for the combination of various forms of cookery and comes in several forms.
Prep Time : 8-10 hour
Cook time : 0-5 minutes
Serve : 4
Level Of Cooking : Easy
Taste : Sweet
Ingredients for Ice Cream Recipe
Bananas 4
Cocoa powder ¼ cup
Fresh cream 1 cup
Vanilla essence 1 teaspoon
Honey 3 tablespoons
Walnuts ¼ cup