Curd rolls with strawberries and bananas

Cottage cheese – 300 g
Sour cream – 1 tsp.
Honey – 1 tsp.Sugar powder – 1 tsp.
Strawberries – 3 berries
Prunes – handfuls
Banana – 1/2
Coconut chips
Nuts (for decoration)
Whipped cream (for decoration)
1. Divide the cottage cheese into 2 equal parts. One add sour cream and honey, the other – strawberries and powdered sugar (. Honey, cream and powder sah took on teaspoon with a slide). Using a blender, we bring both mixtures to a pasty state.
2. Working surface deploy plastic wrap and uniformly prisypem its pink coconut, top with white curd mixture and gently distribute it on the film food. Prunes cut in half and put on the curd mixture, stepping back from the edge. Gradually raising the food film wrap the curd in a roll. Again, wrap the food film and give it a more even shape.
3. Do the same with the strawberry mixture and white coconut shavings, replacing the prunes by two quarters chopped along the banana.
We remove rolls for half an hour in the refrigerator. After they become more dense, they can be safely cut into rolls and decorated at will! I got 16 rolls for such a quantity of ingredients.