Simple Spinach Juice Recipes

Spinach Juice Recipes and It's Amazing Benefits You Never Knew!

 A Great Source of Anti-Oxidants

Spinach contains folic acid in large quantities which helps our bodies to reduce the levels of homocysteine. It is also a home of rich antioxidants that helps in keeping your skin fresh and healthy. Since the levels of homocysteine are reduced to a great extent, the health problems that are related to atherosclerosis can also be minimized.

2. Helps in Creating The Red Blood Cells

Spinach juice benefits include the ability to create the required amounts of red blood cells. The spinach juice is considered one of the best juices for building the blood. Thus, in other words, the chances of you being prone to anemia are very minimal when you’re drinking spinach juice. You will learn how to make spinach juice at home in the spinach juice recipes section of this article.

3. Helps in Eye Related Problems

Spinach has rich amounts of vitamin A. Thus it makes to the list of top juices to be consumed for fighting all eye related problems. Various vision related problems like the night blindness, formation of cataracts, short sight, long sight and the like can be reduced by drinking spinach juice regularly. It will help in improving the overall health of your eye.

4. Very Helpful For Pregnant Women

All ears pregnant ladies! There’s a good news for you! Spinach juice is found to be the leading best juices for pregnant woman by the recent medical research. The nutrients present in the spinach are helpful in developing the body of your baby. It provides all necessary nutrition the baby. Besides, the quality of the breast milk that will be getting generated will also be improved by drinking spinach juice on a regular basis. Find some delicious spinach juice recipes in the second part of this article.

5. Prevention of Bleeding Gums

The vitamin C content that’s present in abundance in spinach can prove beneficial to the treatment of bleeding gums. It helps in strengthening the roots of your teeth making them much stronger which prevents from gum bleeding. Besides other dental related problems like weak teeth, cavities etc can be prevented to a great extent by drinking the spinach juice. If not juice, the fresh spinach leaves can be eaten raw for most effective benefits.

6. Helps in Having Strong Hair

Yes! Heard me right! To quite a lot of people, this one comes as a surprise. For me, it was a pleasant surprise. Spinach contains the essential nutrients and vitamins that are required for maintaining good health of hair. The vitamin B complex that’s found in plenty in spinach can help in stimulating hair growth and help you in getting rid of dandruff. For some people, who have 2 to 3 layers of dandruff that are deposited one upon the other, application of spinach juice on the scalp will do great help.
So before you opt for those expensive chemical treatments for fighting dandruff problems try massaging your scalp with spinach juice for about 5 minutes. You can later wash it off with a mild shampoo. Repeating it for twice a week will surprise you with its results. Try it yourself now!

7. Prevents Cancer

Most people are not aware of this particular health benefit of consuming spinach. Spinach juice contains great amounts of chlorophyll, lution mad flavonoids that can effectively combat the process through which cancer cells are formed in our bodies. This can effectively reduce your chances of developing cancer to a large extent. Preventing the cancerous cells from developing may be regarded as best benefits of drinking spinach juice everyday.

8. Helps in Keeping Up The Calcium Content of Your Bones

Spinach is a rich source of vitamin K that makes it a top vegetable for maintaining the requisite calcium content in the body bones. The vitamin K content can also help in fighting the osteoporosis in the body. By anchoring the calcium content in the bones it helps in assuring stronger bones in your body. So if you are suffering from weak bones, you must start eating spinach leaves everyday in order to make them stronger.

9. Fights High Blood Pressure

Spinach benefits also include reducing the high blood pressure.Today one of the most common problems that are being faced by many people around is the high blood pressure. Blood pressure has less symptoms but great consequences if left unattended for longer periods of time. The vitamin K content that’s found in abundance in spinach can help fight the high blood pressure. That is the reason why doctors suggest consumption of spinach on a regular basis for high BP patients. Make it a habit of eating fresh spinach leaves everyday for effective results and keeping yourself at bay from high blood pressure.

10. Rich Source of Macro Nutrients

Research has shown that one cup of fresh spinach leaves or juice contains about 28 gms of calories. It also contains just 1 gram of fat. Thus it can be considered as the low-fat and low-calorie drink that’s rich in other major macro-nutrients that are required by your body. This fact makes it an ideal juice to be given to people of all ages.

11. Spinach Juice for Weight Loss

As 1 cup of spinach leaves contain only 1 gram of fat and 28 grams of calories, it also makes to the list of weight loss drinksSpinach juice for weight loss is always suggested in Ayurveda as a healthy way for reducing weight. It is a low-calorie and low-fat drink that’ll make you fall in love with it, especially if you’re obese or fat. So want to decrease weight? Make some amazing spinach juice recipes everyday and drink it!
Those were some of the health benefits of spinach that will motivate you to drink spinach juice on a regular basis. What most of us miss out on these days is the factor of patience. The Ayurvedic or natural methods for improving your health will definitely take some time and you must be willing to wait for some time for these tips to show results. Rushing towards improving your health no good. Be persistent in your efforts and you’ll definitely notice effective results of spinach juice. Now read on so simple spinach juice recipes or learn how to make spinach juice at home within few minutes!

Simple Spinach Juice Recipes

1. Spinach Juice with Lime

Buy some fresh spinach leaves and wash it well to get rid of dust particles. Chop the leaves into large pieces. You don’t have to chop them finely as we’d be crushing it using a juicer. Take a juicer. Add all these largely chopped leaves to it. Add 2 to 3 pieces of cardamom to it which will enhance the taste. Add a pinch of salt for taste. Now, grind all these ingredients well by adding a 1 cup of water to it.
After it’s done, pass the mixture through a sieve to get only the liquid of the juice. Some fibrous content from the fresh lushy vegetable will be eliminated and you’ll only get to drink the smooth juice. You must squeeze one fresh lemon to it later. The lemon juice will not only enhance the taste but also helps in better digestion of the spinach juice. Drink it immediately without storing it in refrigerator for long time.

. Apple – Spinach Juice Recipe

This one’s my favourite. Spinach juice coupled with the essence of apple not only brings in all the goodness of apple but also makes it a delicious drink to savour. Cut the apple into large cubes and chop the fresh spinach leaves roughly. Add both the ingredients into your juice mixer, some leaves of mint (optional), a pinch of salt and pepper. Add half a glass of water to it and mix them well. Pass the mixture through a sieve. You can add powdered sugar of about half a tablespoon for enhancing the taste. Drink it immediately after preparation. Try this one out and you’ll no longer find it boring to drink a vegetable juice!

They were 2 simple spinach juice recipes that you can prepare in just few minutes. Remember that you’re not supposed to refrigerate it for longer periods of time as that will lessen the nutritive value that’s present in the juice. Make these simple spinach juice recipes at home and work towards a healthy living!