Elegance bride and groom

Top 5 recipes to slim the bride's waistline before her wedding

The dream of any bride , appearing body lithe; even show Pfstan and white hairstyle elegant 
hair make her a princess in that night, and to achieve this dream; it must get rid of excess pounds before the wedding date; therefore offer you my dear bride set of natural recipes, which will help you to get rid Of extra weight before your wedding a month.
First recipe

Ingredients: a
spoon of cinnamon. 
Spoon of ginger. 
Spoon of curry powder. 
⅓ cup of water. 
كوب cup of milk. 
Method of preparation:
Put all dry ingredients into boiling water. 
Add the milk to the previous mixture, and mix well until the ingredients are homogenized. 
Take this drink before going straight to sleep. 

Second recipe: apple vinegar
Ingredients: a
glass of warm water. 
A teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. 
Method of preparation:
Add a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to the lukewarm water. 
Mix well. 
Eat the mixture after the main meals. 

Third recipe
half teaspoon ground cinnamon.
Spoon fresh grated ginger. 
Spoon full love cumin. 
Cup water.


Bring a suitable bowl and place it on the fire with a glass of water. 
Add cinnamon and cumin with a good stir. 
Add cinnamon to the previous mixture. 
Leave mixture for 5 minutes on low heat until all ingredients are homogenized. 
Leave the mixture until it calms down a bit, put it in a cup and add to the lemon, then take the mixture. 
Ingredients: a
spoon of cinnamon. 
Spoon of ginger. 
Spoon of curry powder. 
⅓ cup of water. 
كوب cup of milk. 
Method of preparation:
Put all dry ingredients into boiling water. 
Add the milk to the previous mixture, and mix well until the ingredients are homogenized. 
Take this drink before going straight to sleep. 

Second recipe: apple vinegar
Ingredients: a
glass of warm water. 
A teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. 
Method of preparation:
Add a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to the lukewarm water. 
Mix well. 
Eat the mixture after the main meal

Fourth recipe: nutmeg and cinnamon
3 tablespoons sugar. 
1/4 teaspoon ground cloves. 
One quarter teaspoon ground nutmeg. 
Half a tablespoon ground cinnamon. 
2 cups water. 
Method of preparation:
Mix the sugar in water, add cinnamon, cloves and ground nutmeg. 
Put the mixture over the fire until boiling begins.
Calm down the fire, leave the mixture for five minutes, and describe the drink. 
Eat the drink before bedtime

Fifth recipe Turmeric and lemon

Ingredients: Turmeric
spoonSpoon grated lemon. Large honey spoon. A cup of warm water. Method of preparation: Bring water and put all previous ingredients on it. Drink the drink twice a day: once after waking up, and the second before going to sleep straight away