Almonds are one of the most wonderful nuts, which are loaded with nutrition. From sharpening the memory to improving the health of the hair and skin, the benefits of almonds are innumerable. And, similarly, the benefits of almond milk are also many. The unique combination of milk and almonds provide a wonderful range of nutrients. It not only provides energy, but is also loaded with Vitamin B6, C, D, E, Proteins, Calcium, Potassium, Magnesium, Iron, Phosphorous, Zinc, Sodium, etc. And, not just that, the milk is so delicious and so easy to prepare that anyone can make it instantly.
Amazing Benefits Of Almond Milk
Given below are some of the benefits of almond milk.
1. Strong Muscular Health
If one wishes to build up strong muscles, then, almond milk is the best recipe. The drink contains Riboflavin and Iron, which can help in improving the strength of the muscles, and in building them up. It also helps in healing the muscles. Other than that, it also contains Calcium and Vitamin D, which is quite important for the bones. Having almond milk regularly can limit the risk of arthritis and osteoporosis.
2. Effective In Controlling The Blood Pressure
People, suffering from blood pressure problems, can find effective relief by drinking almond milk. It is because it contains Vitamin D, which helps in the free movement of the blood inside the body. Also, there is no cholesterol in almond milk, which makes it a perfect drink for the healthy heart. The milk also has a low amount of sodium, but has a good amount of healthy fats, like omega fatty acids. These are useful for preventing high blood pressure.
3. Maintains The Health Of Kidneys
Kidneys are those organs of the body, which do their work silently. But, when they get damaged due to some reason, the entire body suffers. So, one must really be careful in protecting the kidneys. While some dairy and soy products can end up causing harm to the kidneys, due to Calcium and Potassium present in them, almond milk negates all that, and helps in protecting the health of kidneys, without any side effects.
4. Maintains The Health Of Skin
For improving the health of the skin, and to bring that glow to the skin, one should drink more of almond milk. With a good amount of Vitamin E in the drink, the skin gets all the necessary nutrition, so that it remains healthy and glowing, and also protects it from getting sun damaged. Other than that, it also has the antioxidants, which are useful in repairing the damaged skin. In fact, a lot of people also use the almond milk as moisturizer to give the skin a cleansing effect.
5. Has A Low Impact On The Blood Sugar
Almond milk has a lower glycaemic index, due to which, the body is able to use up all the carbohydrates as energy, and doesn’t let sugars to get stored as fat.
6. Improves The Vision
Almond milk is also responsible for giving a good vision. This is due to the fact that it contains Vitamin A, which is really good for the eyes. It nourishes the eyes, and ensures that people are able to see things better. So, for all those people, who are glued to their gadgets or computer, this blend of almonds and milk are a major booster.
7. Improves The Immune System
Almond milk contains lots of nutrients and minerals, which can improve the immunity. We all know how important immunity is, for giving suitable protection to the body from all health related issues. People with poor immunity keep falling sick. But, people, who drink almond milk more often, have their defences up, and can fight with all the diseases, strongly.
8. Prevents Cancerous Growth
Yes, this is one of the most important benefits of almond milk. By subduing the cancerous cells growth, the milk can be very helpful in giving proper protection from cancer. Some of the cancers, such as Prostate cancer, happen due to drinking cow’s milk. But, when, one drinks almond milk, risk of getting prostate cancer is drastically reduced.
9. Aids In Weight Loss
Yes, almond milk is also quite effective aids in weight loss too. It does not contain a lot of fat, but still has all the necessary nutrients that are required. It makes the person feeling full for a longer time, and helps in satiating him, so that he does not resort to binge eating, or have any cravings for food. A glass of almond milk has around 60 calories, which is quite less when compared to the whole milk, which has 146 calories.
10. Wonderful To Taste
The taste of almond milk is far superior to cow’s milk. With a unique flavour, which is light and crisp, it satiates the taste buds, and leaves an enriching taste in the mouth.
11. No Refrigeration Required
One of the best things about almond milk is that it does not require any refrigeration. So, one can carry this milk anywhere with them, without worrying about it getting spoilt. It stays fine at room temperature, so it is one of the best foods to carry, while camping or traveling. A glass of almond milk will give you all the nutrition that you require, and you wouldn’t have to worry about carrying multiple snacks.
12. Very Easy To Prepare
Preparing almond milk is quite easy, and one need not spend a lot of time and efforts in making it. One only needs to finely grind the almonds, and place them in the blender, along with milk and water. With the help of a strainer, filtering out the pulp and separating it from the liquid, will give you the perfect almond milk.
13. Helps In Digestion
Almond milk is quite good for digestion, as it contains around 1gm of fiber per serving. This is essential for a healthy digestion. Also, it does not contain lactose, which impacts almost 25% of the people. The lactose makes it difficult for people to digest sugar in the cow’s milk. But, almond milk is a lactose-free substitute, and people can have it safely, without worrying about lactose related side effects.
14. Good Substitute For Breast Milk
Though, there is absolutely no substitute for breast milk, there are cases when a mother is not able to feed her child, her milk. In such cases, the baby to be weaned, can be fed almond milk. This milk has a whole range of vitamins and mineral, along with Iron and Proteins, which are essential for the child’s growth. But, it would be good to check with the paediatrician before giving the baby any other milk.