Chilled Masala Tea Recipe, How To Make Chilled Masala Tea Recipe
This is simple chilled masala tea, especially for hot summer season.
Chilled Masala Tea is a refreshing drink especially a pleasure to sip during hot summers This is a simple
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How to make Chilled masala tea
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Prep time 5 mins | Cook time 5 mins | Total time 10 mins |
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Main Ingredient : Ginger Squash | Servings : 2 persons
Ingredients used in Chilled masala tea |
• Water - 1-2 cup. |
• Ginger - 1 piece. |
• Cardamom powder - 1 pinch. |
• Tea powder - 1-2 teaspoons. |
• Sugar - 1 teaspoons. |
• Milkmaid - 1 tablespoons. |
• Ice cubes - 4 numbers. |
Method: |
- Take a pan and add water, crushed ginger, cardamom powder, tea powder, sugar and boil it for 2 -3 mins and keep aside.
- Fill the ¾ of the glass with chilled and crushed ice and pour the tea and add the milkmaid on top of it and serve it.