Cake Japanese

Chase Cake Japanese

Chase Cake Japanese .. Taste taste and taste wonderful, and the way to prepare easy to provide you from the kitchen of Madam, to offer the best and the best sweets from around the world on your travel

 For decoration:
  • Strawberry Jam: 2 tbsp (or your favorite kind)
  • Strawberry: Cup (or strawberry / as desired)
- Cream cheese: Box (room temperature) 
- Milk: 1/4 cup 
- Sugar: 1/2 cup 
- Eggs: 3 grains (separated by yolks from white) 
- starch: quarter cup 
- lemon juice: 2 tbsp 
- water: two cups and a half (boiled) 


1.  Heat the oven over 350 degrees.
2. Prepare  a 9-inch round tray with a little butter.
3.  Cream cheese with milk until smooth.
4. Add half the sugar, yolk, starch and lemon juice and stir until the ingredients blend together and the mixture becomes creamy and smooth.
5.  Reduce egg whites until they become fragile and double in size.
6. Add the rest of the sugar to the egg and cook at high speed for 10 minutes.
7. Add egg whites to cheese, yolk and sugar mixture and stir lightly.
8.  Mix the mixture into a Chinese pre-fitted Chinese position in a wider tray with water for about half of it.
9. Go to the oven on the bottom shelf for 40 minutes.
10. Remove the tray from the oven and leave it to cool.
11.  Before serving, add a casserole to the cake and sprinkle with the fruit, cut it and cool it.